What Is 3D Face Drawing
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
Drawing 3D head and faces can be one of the challenging tasks but focusing specifically on facial features is very important. Direct observation is essential for drawing a realistic face.Face are best part of human anatomy with lots of emotions on it and thus each stroke plays great in describing facial emotions so 3d designer need to keep all these below mentioned points in their mind. The term 3D design is a widely used abbreviation for three-dimensional design, merged regularly in design procedures associated with computers and other electronic drawing systems. In 3D design techniques, a 3d designer uses all three axes (x, y and z) to understand and develop a genuine figure of the desired object.
Heads are never circle, generally looks like oval shape like egg. It can look like a egg-shaped, with the tapered end toward the bottom. So draw a oval outline that tampers at bottom. - REFINE THE JAWLINE.
If its about drawing a lady then it’s quite relevant to draw a egg shaped human but if it’s about drawing a male face egg shape then do it more angular jawline with flatter chin.
3.Divide the lines
Start off drawing with dividing the face in two vertical divisions down the center of the oval so that proper proportion of the face can be traced out, then again cut it off horizontally in half oval.
- eyes should be at the top
Generally always advisable to keep eyes closer at the top of the head than in bottom as they are considered as highest facial feature. - keep The HEAD IS ABOUT 5 EYES WIDE.
That means the gap between the eyes where the bridge of the nose is located is about the same width as the face on either side of the eyes. - NOW LET’S PLACE THE EARS.
Divide the lower half again with another horizontal line. The point at which this crosses the vertical line is where its required to draw the base of the nose. Sketch out the base of the nose and a nostril either side. - ADD THE MOUTH:-
Divide the bottom quarter in half again. The bottom of the lips will rest on the dividing line you have just drawn. Draw a line for where the lips meet and then draw the top lip. Now fill in the bottom of the lip.
Draw two big circular balls to make out the eyes across the central horizontal line. This will form the eye sockets. The top of this circle is where the eyebrow is and at the bottom is where the cheekbone sits.
The width of the corners of the mouth often outspreads to about the location of the iris in the eyes above. - EYEBROW PLACEMENT.
This is another feature that varies greatly from person to person and each eyebrow is generally wider than the eye below it. They also tend to be densest toward the bridge of the nose and taper toward the sides of the face, where they often also sweep downward. - PLACING THE HAIR
The hairline is typically about a quarter to a third of the way from the top of the head to the eyebrows.These quantities work just as easily for a woman. Adjust the jawline to be a little more rounded, make the ears a bit smaller and the neck a little narrower and you have a pretty convincing female face.