Ideal Way For Making Creative Web Forms
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
With the development of technology, human and computer interactions have become very much convenient .With such development, web form have become one important type of interactions for users. The less efforts audiences give to fill up web forms, the happier they become. As web designer and web developers, one should strive to produce faster, easier and more productive form experiences for our users.
Ask most relevant information
When there are lots of user then try to minimise the number of fields as much as possible, because every field when gets added to a form that will affect its conversion rate. Limiting the number of questions and fields make your form less burdened.
Have a logical format
Like any normal conversation, web form means detailed information in between two parties- audiences and app .For e.g. :Go for initial name ->last name ->email id -> password->address->city as correct order .Or another e.g. : Unusual to ask for someone’s address before their name.
Don’t go for repetition
Most of the web forms registration has repetition of email id and password. This was made historically so that if a user types it twice then error can be easily judged. Most users simply copy-pasted the necessary field whenever the app allowed it. And if the original field’s data contained an error, it was duplicated.
Highlight some optional fields
If some informational is optional for the web form registration, then it’s simply wastage of time. Try to make forms without optional category. And mark those fields which are important and mandatory to fill up. Usually it’s marked as (*) sign.
Reduce typing
Typing is very slow process and is always considered as error prone process. But while typing on mobile it’s very slow in process. Those having small screens in mobile, for them it comes out to be tiring journey. Thus less unnecessary typing will improve user experience. Filling out your address information is often the most cumbersome part of any online registration form, thanks to multiple fields, long names, and so on.
Get alert whenever error happens
During web form submission, it’s very much frustrating to find out that at the point of submission, applicant has made an error. Real time validation comes into picture when users get information about success or failure of the data right at completion of every field. Validation shouldn’t only tell users what they did wrong. But it should also tell them what they’re doing right. This gives users more confidence to move through the form.
Never have reset button
It’s very difficult to imagine that someone would want a button that undoes all their work to be sitting next to the button that saves it. The web would be a better-off place if practically all reset buttons were removed.