Posted on : Jun 25, 2020
In the Architectural services there are different phases involved right from projection inception (sharing Project ideas with Architects), Schematic Design/Need-based Design (preparing primary design sketches with budget limitation and clients requirements), Design Development (about refining plans, elevations, and building sections details), and Contract Documents (Deciding about competitive bids and building permits; choosing a suitable contractor for the same), Lastly contract administration(All related to examining and assuring project’s flow as per clients specifications and drawings). So all these phases needs record policy so as to maintain a smooth workflow and any relevant records can be searched effortlessly without any delays. There are various types of records which organization should retain like project description, design material, and drawings. Architectural services are divided into below-mentioned categories like
A) Architect-contractor records-It includes bills and wage rates records, payment records, the various specification for construction drawings, etc which needs to be retained for legal purposes
B) Architect owner records-Consisting of site drawings and other related records, Sketch up drawings made by architects as per client’s requirements
C) Consultation records like project specifications and drawings for future needs and reference. Because these records work as best reference material while making important decisions during working on similar projects in the future. Thus major time and cost factors can be saved and more effective projects can be delivered. Even many time’s clients may ask for such records and documentation for different reasons.
Therefore it becomes essential for CAD architectural service providers to keep such archived records and documentations for different reasons like the Analysis of special decisions on effectiveness and efficiency on design process, additional details about these decisions can be evaluated, misinterpretation/confusions can be avoided and lastly it also works as a protective shield against any possible future legal suits
At C-DESIGN, Our dedicated team experts with technical proficiency believe in design innovation and collaborative teamwork productivity. We offer a complete range of architectural services right from initial pre-design planning till construction administration and thereby ensuring overall business requirements of clients get fulfilled within the stipulated time frame and as per budget allocation.