Significance of Architecture Portfolio
Posted on : May 13, 2020
Recruiting a right candidate for the right job is most critical for both the organization and the candidate. As the first step of getting into your dream architectural firm, candidates should be ready with their Architecture portfolio. We at Outsource Architectural Services under our Outsource Creative Works banner lay high importance on candidates presenting their credentials with an architecture portfolio while applying for any opening. Under this article we would like to highlight what an architecture portfolio is.
Since the inception of outsource architectural service division in our outsource creative works team in the year 2005, with an objective of deploying highly skilled and creative manpower on behalf of our esteemed global clients we very critically recruit our team and one of the key recruitment criteria we follow is professionally created and presented architecture portfolio. A critically selected images, pictures, drawings and copy in architecture portfolio represents expertise demonstrating presenter’s architectural skills, capabilities and the way of working over and above the timelines.
In our experience of more than a decade of working with leading AEC firms, we could establish this fact that work speaks not only for a beginner like a new recruit in the organisation but also for experienced team like us when pitching for a new project. A professionally crafted architectural portfolio is the most critical tool to gain confidence of not only the employer while applying for an architectural position but also to gain confidence of the recruiting firm while an architect or team of architects are pitching for the project. An architectural portfolio helps in showcasing the expanse and verity of work one has undertaken over the years and how his / her knowledge, experience, skills and capabilities would be helpful in getting the architectural work under discussion executed in most creative or innovative and timely manner. In our experience we have hardly came across any new project pitching or recruitment drive which went through without discussing on proper architectural portfolio in the first place.