Essentials About Site Plan – Architectural Outsourcing
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
Site plan detailing is generally made by engineers having license, architects or land survivor. Majorlyit’s described by arrangements made of buildings, drives, parking or other structure that is part of development project. It’s generally shown by building footprints, water sewage, drainage facilities, trails and lightning .Its construction drawing made by contractors to make improvement in the property. The site plan is acute because it’s how landscape architects communicate their overall vision for a home landscape design. There are many styles for drawing site plans — they can be in color or black and white produced by hand or digitally. The overall plan lays the foundation for the design concept and circulation and placement of the major site components.
Site plan detailing building blocks majorly consist of following
Parking lots, indicating parking spaces
Surrounding streets
Landscaped areas
Property lines
Distance between building
PROPERTY LINE: They are considered as basic element for any site plan. It all set design to your plan. Helps in bifurcating between two piece of property where one person’s land ends and the neighbouring lands begin. Use your boundary lines to determine where to legally place desired items.
DISTANCE BETWEEN PROPERTY LINES AND BUILDING: Surrounding infrastructure and building plays a major role in defining the site plan .Height of building, zoning, fire hazards all helps in framing a proper site plan.
PARKING: A parking space is a location that is chosen for parking either covered or unpaved. Parking spaces can be in a parking garage, in a parking lot or on a city street. It is usually designated by a white-paint-on-tar rectangle indicated by three lines at the top, left and right of the designated area. Drawing a parking space requires a lot of thought process so always try to design it with flow of traffic, signage and also handicapped accessibility with the plan.
NEARBY STREETS: Those people who are visiting your site should gain idea about avenues or dead ends or arteries from the site .It should give idea about real traffic loads and knowledge about streets surrounding it that will makes it easier for them to understand the design format
Other essential elements to add in site plan are fire hydrants. They are considered as emergency help. Always make sure to add hydrants in your site plan.