Posted on : Jun 01, 2021
In the field of the AEC industry, construction documentation plays an essential role in creating building projects. Therefore construction documentation is more than simply construction drawings or CD sets. Construction Documentation consists of various documents; each of them related to a particular aspect of the building project.
Construction drawings work as an integral part of construction documentation through which engineers, designers, contractors work more on shop drawings and building plans. At C-DESIGN, we provide a complete set of construction drawings and documents related to commercial, residential, or commercial buildings. There are major 2 types of failures in the construction documentation as mentioned below:-
A) Litigation
B) Delays
Therefore it becomes essential to have a professional Construction documentation company which helps in quickly solving any legal issues like permit, legal clearances of land ownership papers, etc. Another reason for any project delays is related to the unavailability of construction materials.
At C-DESIGN, we help our clients in providing a complete set of construction drawings and details for exterior and interiors. Basically, it covers various elevations and sections with detailed information. Such documentation gets easily readable and understood by designers, architects or engineers. For all types of stakeholders, construction documentation is a common platform used by all and drawings become their only common language. Kindly contact us and get your quote.