Graphic Designer And Colors Theory
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
Colour theory is a science in itself and it is something very simple like changing the exact type or saturation of colour can raise different feeling within individuals. Colour theory is interaction of colours in 3D design through complementation, vibrancy and contrast . Complementation refers to the way colours- specifically in association with each other, where eye is provided equilibrium through the combination of any two contraries. Vibrancy refers to the way viewers feels the emotion of your design if taken bright colour then gives feeling of energy whereas darker colour gives feeling of more serious or relaxation to users. Contrast on other hand refers to division of elements on the page which reduces eyestrain for viewers e.g. Colour scheme where text is brightest reduces viewers eyestrain or e.g. if a website has dark background, then focus on main content with lighter text Warm colour like RED ,ORANGE AND YELLOW represent energy, passion and positivity .In 3D design red is considered as powerful and when passion wants to be portrayed in the design then its considered as the one of purest form . In design yellow is considered as brightest, reflects joy, cheerfulness and happiness if used in it. While orange draws attentions of the viewers to its content and command attention. Green is considered as new beginning and growth elements .In 3D design it gives very balancing and harmonizing effect and is very stable .Blue mostly used as corporate logos and dark blues reflects strength and reliability also associated with peace and are excellent for corporate sites. In 3d design purple reflects royalty and sense of wealth and luxury, creativity also.
There are few colours which should be avoided while making web design as they reflect negativity and are many times lead to lack of readability and contrast. Colour take on features from its surrounding including background and have to be adjusted accordingly. Suitable colour choices are the key point and can work with any hue in moderation.
Never use pure black as its purest form, which doesn’t exist on earth and its mental torture to see them in website design .However grey is more suitable for eyes. Also red and green don’t go well all together, needs one extra colour separating them as they are considered as opposites in colour spectrum so they naturally clashes each other. Use only neon’s in artistic examples .Also never use light colours on white or detailed background .Graphic Designer should understand colour theory and its lack of awareness fails miserably with it. Generally clients push their opinions in it but graphic designer should stay professional in their approach
The most commonly accepted colour scheme structures are:
Triadic:Refers to three colours on separate ends of the colour spectrum. Initially choose a base colour and then draw an equilateral triangle from that point – the three points of the triangle will be three base colours. These three colours will always supplement one another and be composed.
Compound or Split Complementary:Based on a range of complementary colours, or two colours that are chosen from opposite ends of the colour spectrum.
Analogous:Selection of colours from the same area of the spectrum.