Construction Drawing And Perspective
Posted on : Mar 26, 2019
One point perspective drawing is one of the easiest drawing method because even if how complex objects looks like still it all lines starts with single point and even if mistake is made it can be easily rectified.There are basic rule regarding one point perspective:
All horizontal lines are parallel to each others
All vertical lines are parallel to each others
This perspective is not necessary to be accurate
Below mentioned are basic steps which help in construction design, drawing and other types of formal drawing.
Line exercise
Firstly draw 2 points and draw straight line in between the two points
Use arm and lock your wrist to achieve straight line motion
Draw this line 8 times and then repeat
Make a curve
Use curve of your wrist to draw curved lines between 2 points and then draw over same time
Repeat it again
Make ellipses
Ellipses are either ovals or circles.Make a box using straight line.Make ellipses at the midpoint of the each circle so as to make even shape
Understanding isometric shapes
They are straight line facing same direction and remain parallel no matter what.They refer to non-frontal view on an object.There are 2 types of 3d shapes- isometric and oblique.
Another type of drawing is One perspective
Draw horizontal line and make one vanishing point on the line.
Draw vertical line and it has nothing to do with vanishing line
Now draw horizontal line completely parallel to horizontal side of the shape that’s run parallel.
Remaining side will run towards vanishing point
Two point perspective :-
They are similar to one point perspective but it has 2 point of conversion on the horizon line.In one perspective all verticals are parallel .But in 2 perspective, objects is described where corner is visible so that it clearly heads towards two separate vanishing points.
refers to understanding about light and shadows in the drawing.
Midtones indirectly face the light and are lesser bright than planes
Darker planes receive little light and are always darker than planes.
Planes facing light source will receive highest amount of light
Cast shadows helps in establishing spaces.